文章分类: 上学校


30 students from Waynflete and other local high schools gathered in Franklin 的ater last weekend for the eighth annual 24-Hour Playwriting Festival. Students created twelve unique plays from the same initial prompt and came together as a theater community for...


Exciting changes are in progress at our crew's Fore River launch. 韦恩弗里特的船屋几乎完工了! Besides the great interior storage, the boathouse will also have a fresh water supply. 高年级的船员们很幸运...


的离群值, 这是一个面向bet365官网学生开放的社区机器人团队, 最近在希尔斯体育馆举办了一个有趣的演示. Each year 的离群值 design, build, and program a 150-pound robot to compete against other teams. 机器人的设计...


透视项目, an 上学校 student-led organization committed to starting discussions and bringing new perspectives to Waynflete, recently welcomed newly reelected Portland City Councilor Pious Ali as its first guest speaker of the year. Mr. 阿里第一次当选...

Waynflete Students meet artist and Holocaust survivor Samuel Bak

Students in the senior history elective "的 Great 20th Century Crisis: World War II" were recently joined by members of Waynflete's Jewish Education and Culture Club for a lively discussion with artist and Holocaust survivor Samuel Bak. Mr. 贝克共享...


11月3日, 9名bet365官网学生加入了近1名,000 of their peers from across the state for the annual Maine Youth Leadership Day hosted by Hyde School in Bath. 基于“成为一名成功人士所需要的东西的重要性”...

Boys varsity soccer team wins state championship for fourth year in a row

你说,连续四年了?! Boys varsity soccer takes the state championship, defeating Fort Kent 6–1! 干得好,飞人! 祝贺迈尔斯·卡利23岁, who scored an amazing five goals yesterday to help bring home the boys...


As a result of their collaboration with the International Astronomical Search Collaboration (with NASA as a partner), Waynflete students have provisionally identified five new asteroids over the years! 的 latest to shift from preliminary to provisional status had been identified...

Upper schoolers compete at Independent School Public Speaking Championships

祝贺24岁的Jasmijn jse, Miles Sims-Kastelein-Henry '24, and Aelia Russell '24 for representing Waynflete beautifully at the recent International Independent School Public Speaking Championships at Deerfield Academy! After participating in debates in six rounds of competition, Aelia placed 4th...


场上的力, Myles Culley '23 has racked up 35 goals to break the Waynflete record for goals scored in a season, and he's well on his way to top the unofficial southern Maine record, 太. 更...

Ayla Michaud Stutzman ’26 becomes the first girl from Maine to qualify for the USA Surfing Championships in shortboard surfing

Join us in celebrating Ayla Michaud Stutzman '26 for becoming the first girl from Maine to qualify for the USA Surfing Championships in shortboard surfing. Ayla has been surfing since she was eight years old and has plans to continue...

Calla Ruff ’23 is participating in 的 Telling Room’s Young Emerging Authors program

bet365官网一起庆祝卡拉·拉夫的23岁生日! Calla is participating in 的 Telling Room's Young Emerging Authors program this year. 每年秋天, four student authors are selected for a yearlong fellowship where they will write, 编辑, 出版他们自己的...

National Merit Scholarship Program Semifinalists and Commended Students

Congratulations to our National Merit Scholarship Program Semifinalists and Commended Students from the Class of 2023! From left to right: Maya Flores, Maren Cooper, Oscar Twining, Elliot Robinson, Matthew Adey


你永远不知道户外体验会带来什么! 在波士顿社区服务中心工作的时候, bet365官网的学生见到了国会女议员阿雅娜·普莱斯利, who had come in to package and deliver the organization's 11 millionth meal. 阿雅娜说了一些鼓励的话...


If you have concerns about your child finding joy after several years of the COVID-19 pandemic, 你并不孤单. 在Waynflete, we want every child to love school and are committed to meeting every child where they are. bet365官网是...


Waynflete’s Class of 2022 will attend a wide-ranging group of colleges and universities this fall! American University Bates College - 3 Bennington College Boston University - 2 Bowdoin College - 5 Brandeis University Broward College Brown University - 2 Bryn...


Congratulations to senior Angel Ortiz for being selected by the Press Herald as one of ten "Class of 2022 Graduates to Watch"! (新闻先驱报图片)阅读文章

上学校er authors publication highlighting Maine scientists

Congratulations to Blythe Thompson '22 for authoring "Waynflete PrISM" (Profiles on Inspiring Scientists in Maine), a publication that seeks to highlight the contributions that Maine scientists to their respective fields and to inspire Maine youth who are considering careers in...


Waynflete has announced the inaugural class of our newly established 体育名人堂. 的 Hall of Fame selection committee has chosen four individuals to receive this special honor and be recognized at a ceremony during 团聚 Weekend (May 15,...

“bet365官网可以?” partners share vision of a brighter future in Press Herald column

约翰Suttie, high school principal and superintendent of Old Orchard Beach Schools, 还有菲利普·罗塞蒂, 温德姆高中的副校长, recently penned an article in the Portland Press Herald on the subject of 的 Can We? 项目. 的...

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